Music Runs through our Tango's Veins


Collection containing 10 lessons with lifetime access | Did you ever think that tango gives us some sort of ocasional break from the modern world? And its music might be the ultimate element, teleporting us in a realm parallel to the one existing outside tango. Tango music has distilled the beauty of different times and kept it almost untouched, so that we can use it as rare drops of supernatural time travel potion. This is a collection of lessons that will inspire you on how to dose this potion, also known as tango music.

  • Tango
  • 10Online lessons
  • 137.17Minutes
  • Lifetime accsess
Why this

Just like a potion in a lab, music has chemistry associated to it. Music has the power to transform our emotions, thoughts, and even our physical bodies. The moment you connect to your tango partner, and together you connect to the tango music, a complex emotional, and psychological interaction between the two of you starts. And due to this very subtle alchemy, every single time, a new shared expression of your dance is born. In these musicality lessons, Clarisa & Jonathan will guide you on a path through which by understanding musicality and its structure in a logical way, you’ll eventually release music into your body, and let it run instinctual and free, until it’s poured back into your dance at the right time and in mesmerizing ways.

10 lessons

Looking for the Beat10.44 min

Tango music has a complex, multilayered structure. But deconstructing it, making a deep analysis of its components is an approach that will greatly simplify its comprehension. The beat is the tempo that remains consistent throughout the entire musical piece. Imagine it’s the heartbeat pattern of music. By deeply ingraining in out body the beats of the tango music, we can better align our movements with the music's phrasing and accents. This will allow us to showcase the nuances and dynamics that tango music carries inside, in our dance, thus live a harmonious and gratifying experience on the dance floor.

  • Tango

Understanding the Tango Music: Genres15.03 min

Tango music has different genres that we need to learn to distinguish. Traditional tango music is coming from other times. It’s not something most of us listen to, nowadays. So knowing the different tango music genres when dancing tango enables us to interpret the music more accurately, adapt our movements and styling appropriately, expand our dance vocabulary, enhance our social dancing experience, and develop a deeper artistic appreciation for tango as an art form.

  • Tango

Understanding the Tango Music: Orchestras19.10 min

Another exhilaratingly beautiful step in connecting with, and understanding the tango music, is learning about the tango orchestras. Just like dancers, tango orchestras have their distinctive, unique personality. For us, tango dancers, this fact represents one more, extremely valuable creativity tool in our toolbox, that we can use to enrich our dance experience, and make our performance stand out.

  • Tango

Understanding the Tango Music: the Rhythm13.58 min

Rhythm is the basic framework or grid in which musical notes move and flow. Social tango is an improvisational dance, where we create movements spontaneously, together, in response to the music. Understanding the tango rhythm provides a foundation for anticipating and responding to the rhythmic changes in the music. It gives us the freedom to express ourselves creatively while staying connected to the underlying musical structure, ensuring a smooth and seamless dance partnership.

  • Tango

Exploration of the Strong and the Weak Beats16.13 min

The strong beats in tango music typically fall on 1 and 3 of a 4/4 time signature, while the weak beats usually occur on 2 and 4. We normally dance on beat 1 and 3, that is on the stronger ones, but sometimes, we have combinations in the music, that are specific to some tango orchestras or songs, that lead us to step on beats 2 and 4. Clarisa & Jonathan dedicate an entire lesson to this topic, because many times, it’s difficult to understand and to hear the weaker beats. In order to do so, training is required.

  • Tango

Musicality and Creativity. Combinations in the Beats12.42 min

Tango dancers being creative with musicality is simply essential to the richness and depth of tango. When it comes to combinations in the beats, it refers to the ability of a dancer to creatively interpret and express the music by combining steps, movements, and pauses within the structure of the beats. Why our creativity as dancers is so important? Because it ultimately adds to the evolution of tango as a dynamic and living dance form.

  • Tango

Understanding the Tango Music: the Phrase12.53 min

In music theory, a phrase is a unit of musical meter that has a complete sense of its own. It is a substantial musical thought which ends with a musical punctuation called a cadence. Why do we need to know about musical phrases as tango dancers? Essentially, dance is storytelling. And through tango, we transmit messages to our partner or to the public when we perform. So recognizing phrases inside tango music will help us organize our dance narrative in a more coherent way.

  • Tango

Opening and Closing the Musical Phrase12.41 min

As we begin to study a dance, naturally, we tend to count the beat in order to synchronize music with our moves. However, the idea is to get to the point where we anticipate musical phrases, or essentially improve our musical intuition. And then, we flow effortlessly in our dance, together with our partner, in harmony with the music. And to get to this point, we need to study tango musicality and practice again, and again. In this lesson, you’ll learn an easy way to recognize a musical phrase within the tango music.

  • Tango

Dancing the Musical Phrase10.21 min

Dancing to musical phrases allows us to express the structure, emotion, and storytelling of the music. Musical phrases often have a beginning, middle, and end. By identifying and responding creatively to these sections of a music phrase, we can align our movements, dynamics, and styling with the musical narrative. This level of musicality emphasizes the connection between the dance and the music, resulting in a more expressive, fun and engaging experience. And as you already know, in tango we can move synchronously or asynchronously. And this brings even more depth to our beloved tango.

  • Tango

Understanding the Tango Music: the Syncopation15.32 min

Confusing syncopation with the weak beat can be quite common. In fact, the syncopation is "a disturbance or interruption of the regular flow of rhythm”, a "placement of rhythmic stresses or accents where they wouldn't normally occur”. With syncopations we can accentuate off-beats or place emphasis on unexpected parts of the music. In tango, syncopation introduces rhythmic complexity by creating tension and contrast within the music. It can involve incorporating pauses, syncopated steps, or changes in direction that deviate from the predictable pattern of the beat. And so, the syncopation challenges us to be attentive to the intricate rhythms and accents in the music, making our dance more surprising.

  • Tango

Music Runs through our Tango's Veins

Collection containing 10 lessons with lifetime access | Did you ever think that tango gives us some sort of ocasional break from the modern world? And its music might be the ultimate element, teleporting us in a realm parallel to the one existing outside tango. Tango music has distilled the beauty of different times and kept it almost untouched, so that we can use it as rare drops of supernatural time travel potion. This is a collection of lessons that will inspire you on how to dose this potion, also known as tango music.

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